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used shimpo wheel price ? help!

updated sun 2 apr 00


Chris Cantello on fri 31 mar 00

I am looking at a used "RK - 10" shimpo wheel on Sunday. Can someone
please tell me what kind of value they have. It is around 10 years old,
used very little by a person who had gotten the "clay bug" but than had no
place to fire once the class ended, so sold the wheel to her friend. That
friend has never used it, it has been in storage. She is asking $500.00.
Is that a lot if it is in excellent shape? You can reply back at . Thanks Chris

Mike Gordon on sat 1 apr 00

RK10's in 1990 were about $1000.00 with tax and everything. 1/3 hp motor
I think. In 1970 I paid $500 for one.New. Mike