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wedging table marble?/slate

updated wed 5 apr 00


Earl Brunner on tue 4 apr 00

I mentioned this awhile back, but a good source for a slate
wedging table
is a place where they repair pool or snooker tables. A
place near my
studio gave me a half a piece just for carting it away.
It's porous,
(soaks up some moisture, smooth and about an inch thick.

millie carpenter wrote:
> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> Dorothy,
> I have a 24 X 24 slab of marble (from an yucky old table). the unpolished
> side is good for wedging if I want to dry the clay a little bit, the
> polished side is the easiest clean up ever. and it is easy to change from
> stoneware to white ware by hosing it off. (thanks to my wonderful bluebird
> de-airing pug mill, I don't wedge an awful lot anymore)
> Millie in Md pretending that I am not alergic to pollen.
> Dorothy Weber wrote:
> > ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> > How is marble for a wedging table?
> >
> > Dorothy Weber
> > Manakin-Sabot,Va.

Earl Brunner