Lesley Alexander on wed 5 apr 00
It seems there is still room in the July 17 - 21 workshop near
Seattle, titled
"Handbuilding: Tricks of the Trade" by Vince Pitelka. Here is his description:
" In this workshop we will explore a particular mind set; a new way of
approaching handbuilt form and the associated studio processes and fixtures.
In developing studio autonomy and a mature stylistic direction, the studio
artist tends to eliminate non-essential processes and techniques, and in doing
so they very often limit their horizons. Our purpose here is to open as many
doors as possible, allowing you to develop your work in unforeseen directions.
Rather than focusing on a particular process or technique, we will explore a
broad range of handbuilding methods, including many innovative concepts,
tools, and fixtures, with a special emphasis on application of this
information to your own work. No matter how you work, or what techniques you
already use, a broader versatility in handbuilding will increase the range of
possibilities, and will improve your work"
There are camping facilities nearby, but I've signed up for a nice room
in an 'across-the-field' B&B, and am looking for a non-smoking female
Cost for half, about $45.
To sign up for the workshop, contact Michael McDowell, mmpots@memes.com.
To contact me for room-sharing, please email celadon@silcom.com
Lesley Alexander
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