vince pitelka on thu 13 apr 00
>That wire that a lot of potters have attached to their wedging table to
> make it easier to cut and slam the clay....Well I want to put one on my
> table, but I want an easy way to take it off to use the table for other
> things.
> Any suggestions?
Bob -
I have been making these for years to use in my colored clay workshops. My
version has a piece of 2x4 for a base, with two verticals and a wire
stretched between the tops of the verticals. Get some heavy dowel or broom
handle for the verticals, and cut two 12"-lengths. Drill a corresponding
hole (to accept the dowel or broom-handle) 2" from each end of a 18"-length
of 2x4. Drill a 1/8" hole through one end of each dowell 1/2" from the end,
and just below the hole, screw in a 3/4" #12 sheet-metal screw. Glue the
opposite ends of the dowels into the holes in the 2x4, so that the screws in
the upper part of the dowels face outwards (towards the ends of the 2x4).
Get some tiger-tail wire (for stringing beads) or some stainless steel
fishing leader. Once the glue is dry, wrap one end of the wire around one
of the screws and tighten the screw. Thread the wire through both of the
1/8" holes, wrap the wire one full wrap clockwise around the other screw,
and pull on the loose end of the wire as you tighten the screw. It is
important to wrap the wire clockwise and pull on the loose end, so that
tightening screw also tightens the wire.
This makes a great portable stretched wire frame. Use a big C-clamp to
fasten it to any table or bench surface, or screw it down with drywall
screws for a more permanent installation.
Best wishes -
- Vince
Vince Pitelka
Home -
Work -
615/597-6801 ext. 111, fax 615/597-6803
Appalachian Center for Crafts
Tennessee Technological University
1560 Craft Center Drive, Smithville TN 37166
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