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from tom and ron roy

updated wed 19 apr 00


mel jacobson on thu 13 apr 00

>From: "tgschs10"
>To: "mel jacobson"
>Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2000 20:58:42 -0700
>X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2919.6600
>I thought that I had submitted this to the listserve 3-4 days ago but
>haven't seen it posted. Ron has agreed to act as the audit. Would you post
>the following? Thanks
>This sounds fine Tom - let me know if you need anything from me - RR
> >To all,
> >Some days ago, I made a suggestion that someone act as a depository to
> >collect funds for our outgoing moderator and his wife to show our
> >appreciation for their many years of hard work. I mentioned that I did not
> >personally know Joe or Mary. Several of you responded and were interested in
> >the idea. After discussion off list with some of you, I will agree to
> >collect and distribute your donations with Ron Roy acting as my audit. What
> >I intend to do is request donations in the form of checks which I'll copy
> >and pass on to Ron.
> >I was initially reluctant to get involved because I am an unknown entity to
> >most of you but I believe working in conjuction with Ron will allay
> >concerns. Below is my mailing address. If Mel will allow, I would like to
> >repost this weekly for the rest of the month for those who might be away. I
> >understand that Richard Burkett is a friend of Joe and Mary and may have
> >some ideas for gifts. Thanks
> >Thomas Sawyer, M.D., J.D.
> >8947 Bay Cove Court
> >Orlando, FL 32819
> >407-876-6244
> >

minnetonka, minnesota, u.s.a (website)

Joanne L. Van Bezooyen on fri 14 apr 00

Money donations?.....I think we should all send them a pot from each of us! A f
thousand mugs!

Joanne in Tucson

mel jacobson wrote:

> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> >From: "tgschs10"
> >To: "mel jacobson"
> >Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2000 20:58:42 -0700
> >X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2919.6600
> >
> >Mel,
> >I thought that I had submitted this to the listserve 3-4 days ago but
> >haven't seen it posted. Ron has agreed to act as the audit. Would you post
> >the following? Thanks
> >
> >This sounds fine Tom - let me know if you need anything from me - RR
> >
> > >To all,
> > >Some days ago, I made a suggestion that someone act as a depository to
> > >collect funds for our outgoing moderator and his wife to show our
> > >appreciation for their many years of hard work. I mentioned that I did not
> > >personally know Joe or Mary. Several of you responded and were interested i
> > >the idea. After discussion off list with some of you, I will agree to
> > >collect and distribute your donations with Ron Roy acting as my audit. What
> > >I intend to do is request donations in the form of checks which I'll copy
> > >and pass on to Ron.
> > >I was initially reluctant to get involved because I am an unknown entity to
> > >most of you but I believe working in conjuction with Ron will allay
> > >concerns. Below is my mailing address. If Mel will allow, I would like to
> > >repost this weekly for the rest of the month for those who might be away. I
> > >understand that Richard Burkett is a friend of Joe and Mary and may have
> > >some ideas for gifts. Thanks
> > >Thomas Sawyer, M.D., J.D.
> > >8947 Bay Cove Court
> > >Orlando, FL 32819
> > >407-876-6244
> > >
> >
> >
> minnetonka, minnesota, u.s.a
> (website)

Veena Raghavan on sun 16 apr 00

If the majority feel that one group gift would be better, that would be
great. But, I think Joy's idea would be much more personal and meaningful
coming from Clayarters. One problem, if everyone on Clayart gives them a
piece of pottery, will they need a special room built to house the
But, I'm game for either idea

tgschs10 on sun 16 apr 00

Others have responeded that we should send a pot ---- a mug etc.,
personally I think this is stupid. I am certain tha he is a better potter
than myself; so lets be cheap send him something he doesn't neeed --
right ---- wrong. Instead lets be inventive, It is my understanding that he
would like to have a digital camera. God dammit how much would this cost. I
mean for a really good camera; I have a 1600 X 12000 pixel camera. Lets buy
a better one. God think of all he and Mary have done. How many hundrends of
people could contribute a dollar for the hundreds of hours. Co'monnon guys
lets give a nice rich gift. I'lll step up with a $50- $100 donation.
Obviously I hope it we collect several hundred, but this is ridulous - send
a mug; dumb.. Think of all of the hours he and Mary have spent helping all
of us.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Joanne L. Van Bezooyen"
Sent: Friday, April 14, 2000 7:24 PM
Subject: Re: from Tom and Ron Roy

> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> Money donations?.....I think we should all send them a pot from each of
us! A f
> thousand mugs!
> Joanne in Tucson
> mel jacobson wrote:
> > ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> >
> > >From: "tgschs10"
> > >To: "mel jacobson"
> > >Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2000 20:58:42 -0700
> > >X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2919.6600
> > >
> > >Mel,
> > >I thought that I had submitted this to the listserve 3-4 days ago but
> > >haven't seen it posted. Ron has agreed to act as the audit. Would you
> > >the following? Thanks
> > >
> > >This sounds fine Tom - let me know if you need anything from me - RR
> > >
> > > >To all,
> > > >Some days ago, I made a suggestion that someone act as a depository
> > > >collect funds for our outgoing moderator and his wife to show our
> > > >appreciation for their many years of hard work. I mentioned that I
did not
> > > >personally know Joe or Mary. Several of you responded and were
interested i
> > > >the idea. After discussion off list with some of you, I will agree to
> > > >collect and distribute your donations with Ron Roy acting as my
audit. What
> > > >I intend to do is request donations in the form of checks which I'll
> > > >and pass on to Ron.
> > > >I was initially reluctant to get involved because I am an unknown
entity to
> > > >most of you but I believe working in conjuction with Ron will allay
> > > >concerns. Below is my mailing address. If Mel will allow, I would
like to
> > > >repost this weekly for the rest of the month for those who might be
away. I
> > > >understand that Richard Burkett is a friend of Joe and Mary and may
> > > >some ideas for gifts. Thanks
> > > >Thomas Sawyer, M.D., J.D.
> > > >8947 Bay Cove Court
> > > >Orlando, FL 32819
> > > >407-876-6244
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> > minnetonka, minnesota, u.s.a
> > (website)

Susan C. Maguire on mon 17 apr 00

Hi All......... I have to agree with this one hundred percent.... Joe and
Mary already have a house full of pots, and yes he does want a digital
camera. He's been looking for a while, and if he hasn't gotten one in the
last couple of months, it would be a great gift... For those who can't send
$, I know Joe and Mary would appreciate a simple note/card.... after all, I
think it was for the PEOPLE that they have done this for so long....

Susan Maguire On the SouthEast Coast of Florida, USA

n a message dated 04/16/2000 6:15:44 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

<< Others have responded that we should send a pot ---- a mug etc.,
personally I think this is stupid. I am certain that he is a better potter
than myself; >> It is my understanding that he
would like to have a digital camera. >>>>>>>I

Joanne L. Van Bezooyen on mon 17 apr 00

I really appreciate your opinions on the matter.
I wasn't suggesting ONE mug or pot ...I was thinking of Joyce's wonderful
collection of dinner plates.
I find your use of the words "stupid" and "dumb" quite offensive.
Turns me off to your message.

Joanne in Tucson

tgschs10 wrote:

> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> Joanne,
> Others have responeded that we should send a pot ---- a mug etc.,
> personally I think this is stupid. I am certain tha he is a better potter
> than myself; so lets be cheap send him something he doesn't neeed --
> right ---- wrong. Instead lets be inventive, It is my understanding that he
> would like to have a digital camera. God dammit how much would this cost. I
> mean for a really good camera; I have a 1600 X 12000 pixel camera. Lets buy
> a better one. God think of all he and Mary have done. How many hundrends of
> people could contribute a dollar for the hundreds of hours. Co'monnon guys
> lets give a nice rich gift. I'lll step up with a $50- $100 donation.
> Obviously I hope it we collect several hundred, but this is ridulous - send
> a mug; dumb.. Think of all of the hours he and Mary have spent helping all
> of us.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Joanne L. Van Bezooyen"
> To:
> Sent: Friday, April 14, 2000 7:24 PM
> Subject: Re: from Tom and Ron Roy
> > ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> > Money donations?.....I think we should all send them a pot from each of
> us! A f
> > thousand mugs!
> >
> > Joanne in Tucson
> >
> > mel jacobson wrote:
> >
> > > ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> > >
> > > >From: "tgschs10"
> > > >To: "mel jacobson"
> > > >Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2000 20:58:42 -0700
> > > >X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2919.6600
> > > >
> > > >Mel,
> > > >I thought that I had submitted this to the listserve 3-4 days ago but
> > > >haven't seen it posted. Ron has agreed to act as the audit. Would you
> post
> > > >the following? Thanks
> > > >
> > > >This sounds fine Tom - let me know if you need anything from me - RR
> > > >
> > > > >To all,
> > > > >Some days ago, I made a suggestion that someone act as a depository
> to
> > > > >collect funds for our outgoing moderator and his wife to show our
> > > > >appreciation for their many years of hard work. I mentioned that I
> did not
> > > > >personally know Joe or Mary. Several of you responded and were
> interested i
> > > > >the idea. After discussion off list with some of you, I will agree to
> > > > >collect and distribute your donations with Ron Roy acting as my
> audit. What
> > > > >I intend to do is request donations in the form of checks which I'll
> copy
> > > > >and pass on to Ron.
> > > > >I was initially reluctant to get involved because I am an unknown
> entity to
> > > > >most of you but I believe working in conjuction with Ron will allay
> > > > >concerns. Below is my mailing address. If Mel will allow, I would
> like to
> > > > >repost this weekly for the rest of the month for those who might be
> away. I
> > > > >understand that Richard Burkett is a friend of Joe and Mary and may
> have
> > > > >some ideas for gifts. Thanks
> > > > >Thomas Sawyer, M.D., J.D.
> > > > >8947 Bay Cove Court
> > > > >Orlando, FL 32819
> > > > >407-876-6244
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > > minnetonka, minnesota, u.s.a
> > > (website)
> >

Lesley Alexander on mon 17 apr 00

A camera, or cash equivalent so they can decide for themselves what to buy,
sounds like a great idea. The Olympus C-2020 seems to be a current winner;
Olympus is coming out soon with an even better one. I'm in the market
myself and trying to decide. Someone could check these websites:

You can now get a C-2020 for less than $600. Yum! Lesley in So Calif.

Dannon Rhudy on mon 17 apr 00

lets be inventive, It is my understanding that he
>would like to have a digital camera.....
people could contribute a dollar
......Co'monnon guys......


I've been away for a few days, and don't know how long this
has been under discussion. I think a digital camera would
be an excellent choice, and worthy of someone who has given
thousands & thousands of hours of his time to the benefit
of the list. Plus, think how useful such a camera might
indeed be in some of Joe's research in South America.

Count me in, Tom.


Dannon Rhudy

Cindy Strnad on mon 17 apr 00

A camera sounds great.

People on the list need not be intimidated by offers of $50-100, though.
It's wonderful that some are willing to give so much, but there are many,
many people on this list, and if even 20% of us do a little, there couldn't
be much of a burden on anyone.

I say give them the cash, with no stipulations. If they want a digital
camera, they'll want to choose their own, and perhaps they'd rather do
something else, after all. Just tell me whom to send the money to.

Cindy Strnad
Earthen Vessels Pottery
RR 1, Box 51
Custer, SD 57730

Janet Kaiser on tue 18 apr 00

I am not good at maths and have no calculator, but have worked out at an
average of an hour per day going through the list and editing/moderating
since 1995, that would come to 2400 hours. Now that conveniently comes to
the equivalent of 100 twenty-four-hour days AT LEAST. Over three months day
and night, or coming up to a year 9 to 5 workdays. That is an awful lot of
time out of these good people's lives! Not to mention the hassle involved.

And I would like to think that Mary gets a hand-shake too... (talk has only
been of Joe's digital camera so far).

If they have batteries in the jungle and the humidity does not affect the
thing, why not? But I think the $ would be sensible, so they can do what
they want! A holiday would probably be the most appropriate after ALL THAT

Janet Kaiser
P.S. How will we people without a US bank account or credit card be able to

The Chapel of Art, Criccieth LL52 0EA, GB-Wales
Home of The International Potters Path
TEL: (01766) 523570
----- Original Message -----
From: Dannon Rhudy
Sent: 17 April 2000 22:05
Subject: Re: from Tom and Ron Roy

> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> .....
> lets be inventive, It is my understanding that he
> >would like to have a digital camera.....
> people could contribute a dollar
> ......Co'monnon guys......
> ------------------------------------------
> I've been away for a few days, and don't know how long this
> has been under discussion. I think a digital camera would
> be an excellent choice, and worthy of someone who has given
> thousands & thousands of hours of his time to the benefit
> of the list. Plus, think how useful such a camera might
> indeed be in some of Joe's research in South America.
> Count me in, Tom.
> regards
> Dannon Rhudy
> on tue 18 apr 00

In a message dated 4/17/00 3:07:50 PM Pacific Daylight Time, Cindy writes:

> I say give them the cash, with no stipulations. If they want a digital
> camera, they'll want to choose their own, and perhaps they'd rather do
> something else, after all. Just tell me whom to send the money to.

As a point of compromise, I suggest buying a gift certificate at an
electronic store, which has a website, as well as stores in major cities.
That way, the recipients can choose which camera (or other equipment, of
their choosing) will work best, and if they live far from a store, they can
buy it from the retailer on the web.

Milton NakedClay@AOL.COM

Suddenly wet Mojave Desert--the rain comes and goes quickly here!