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wood fire kiln

updated thu 7 sep 00


Mark Issenberg on mon 17 apr 00

Howdy all, i have been off the list for a while. I moved to Lookout Mountain
in north Georgia.I have been building a pottery shop and apt above the shop.
I moved my Alpine 24, a heavy kiln, and just finished a building for it.I
hope to hook up the gas to it today.I have 16 acres on the bluff looking over
Johnstons Crook,facing south, looking at Rising Fawn,and Alabama.

I want to build a wood fire kiln.Are any of you in this area and would like
to get involved, building and firing.I am thinking about 50 cubic ft.I have
the brick here.I will have to buy shelves.If it works out it could be a
workshop.Maybe with Lowell Baker depending on dates.

There are at least 3 places to get wood. One place builds trusses and burns
his scrap.

If interested email me or call:
Mark Issenberg
3005 Plum Nelly Rd
Rising Fawn Ga 30738
706-398 3232

Rose Bauer on wed 6 sep 00

Hello All,

For those of us living outside the loop, clayart has connected us to a
wealth of knowledge and to the warmth and generosity of contributors to
this list. I have been lurking and learning for a few years now and I am
truly grateful for this privilege. Thank you.

The newly formed "Tumblestack Woodfire Society" is a small core of Jasper
potters with a limited exposure to, but burgeoning interest in woodfiring.
We are in the planning stages of having a kiln built just outside Jasper
National Park. We are fortunate to have "Two of the Best" on board for the
actual building of the kiln and hope to have the site prepped this fall,
with the kiln building to take place in the spring of 2001. No doubt there
are many things to do before we are at that stage, the most immediate
being, locating the kiln on site. What things should be considered? Will
the proximity of the trees affect the draw in the chimney? If so, how far
should the kiln be from treeline?

For those who have "bravely gone before", do you have any "would do it
different/hard lessons" to share? I am awaiting the release of Fred Olsens
new kiln book which I'm sure will answer alot of my questions, however,
there is snow halfway down the mountain.....

from the tumblestacked mind of....

in beautiful jasper national park