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anagama website

updated wed 26 apr 00


Matt Alexander on tue 25 apr 00

Just wanted to let everyone know that i have finally uploaded the Website
for the construction of the Anagama built at the University of Wisconsin -
Madison. There will be additions made in the coming days and weeks - after
the first firing. The site can be found at

I plan on writing a more detailed description about the construction, but
I'm the process of changing jobs, so it might be a week or more before I
get it written and uploaded.

As a disclaimer - the design and plans for this kiln are not mine, I don't
know the reasons for some portions of the design that may go against
"traditional" kiln design.

So - if you ask me about something, I probably don't know the answer (yet).
I'll have a better understanding after the firing.

All I know, is that Mike Weber has built several just like it and say that
they fire like a dream - short firing time, but lots of ash. Really drippy
and juicy. We'll see next week!

Matt Alexander

The spirit of
a three year old
lasts a hundred years

-- Japanese proverb