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grinding wheels as functional pottery..?

updated fri 12 may 00


Philip Poburka on thu 11 may 00

Through most of the last Century, grinding wheels were quarried, shaped,
dressed etc. out of natural stone , the varieties were limited, amd most
were rather soft.They were usually limited to a much slower rpm,and were
expensive . In the 1880s or so, a Potter - last mane of Norton - realised
that grinding wheels could be made by the Potter's Art, and soon a variety
of excellent wheels, tolerant of high rpm,homogeneous and free of natural
flaws were available to the world.
The 'Vitrious' wheel has predominated for better than a hundred years, and
qualifies in my view as a kind of functional ceramics. Norton was not the
ony fellow to have worked on, developed, or contributed to the progress of
the Vitrious Wheel, but his name came to mind. His efforts continue as
Norton Abrasives, still going strong.
'Carborundom' is the old trade name for Silicon Carbide, which is still a
popular wheel, and was one of the first.
So, when we glance over to our grinding wheels, we can certainly give a
little wink or a nod, as they are cousins to our creations...


Philip Poburka
Las Vegas, Nevada