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murrays borate - analysis

updated wed 24 may 00


John & Anne Worner on tue 23 may 00

Here is the analysis for Murrays Borate.
Unfortunately, no LOI is available.

CaO................. 26.21 26.21%
Al2O3............... 0.50 0.50%
B2O3................ 38.03 38.03%
SiO2................ 29.25 29.25%
Na2O................ 6.02 6.02%

CaO 0.83* 26.21%
Na2O 0.17* 6.02%
Al2O3 0.01 0.50%
B2O3 0.97 38.03%
SiO2 0.86 29.25%

Notes from Kickwheel Pottery - 4/17/00
AL:Si 99.1379

Coeff of Exp: 7.5797

Surf.Tens: 2.6000

Melt Temp: 1987 F, cone 03

Suitable for Oxidation or reduction

This is manufactured specifically as a Gerstley Borate substitute.