JenAlexWil@AOL.COM on thu 25 may 00
Sorry folks, I was away for a bit and was shocked to see how many of you
wanted to have a go at marbling. Anyway, here we go...
First, get your slip to around the consistency/weight of unwhipped double
cream - that'll be whipping cream to those of you having the dubious fortune
of being Americans, and not the stuff from the can.
The slip can be any recipe you like, I don't want to start an argument on
what's a slip or an engobe.
Then you just dip your leather-hard pot into the slip, and while that layer
is still wet, and before wiping back, bung your free hand into some slip of a
different colour and dribble, flick or otherwise deposit some around the
surface of the pot and don't worry too much about the mess on the floor.
Now for the fun part - do the Hokey-Kokey, shaking the pot this way and that,
controlling the fineness of the marbling using our old friend Gravity, the
rhythm of your dance, your own good sense, and maybe a little swearing. Wipe
back the base and place the somewhat finished article up on a clean board,
which should be about shoulder height in front of you, above the slip barrels
- but this is not a treatise on workshop ergonomics.
The whole act should take but half a minute.
For insides; the process is the same, barring that of course the slip has to
be poured into/onto the form and then out, before applying the contrasting
You can save a bit of mess by having previously loaded up a slip-bulb with
the contrasting colour. I hope this will be of some use to those that asked
for it, and apologies again for the delayed reply.
Away now, and clert yersels up wi' glaur an' claye.. just have mind of the
humidity and your timing.
Alex Wilson
The Scottish Potter
106 J. Ave.,
IA. 50201-1834
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