David McDonald on wed 31 may 00
Mel said:
"when you turn on the wax, well it is like an aphro d zee ac.
makes a potter smile."
That explains everything Mel. Just kidding! Hey, let us not forget that
wax, parafin, is a petrochemical product, and heating it up produces
fumes which could be quite toxic. Especially impure waxes from
questionable sources. Many petrochemical products are known carcinogens.
Anyone on the list know how much we might want to be avoiding breathing
those fumes? I for one would be happy to hear that wax fumes are not so
bad to breath, as I've used hot wax resist in my studio for over 20 years
( with good ventilation). My hunch is though, that it is not a good
thing. David McDonald
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Cindy Strnad on thu 1 jun 00
Mel and David said:Mel said:
Mel: "when you turn on the wax, well it is like an aphro d zee ac.
makes a potter smile."
That explains everything Mel. Just kidding! Hey, let us not forget that
wax, parafin, is a petrochemical product, and heating it up produces
fumes which could be quite toxic. Especially impure waxes from
questionable sources. Many petrochemical products are known carcinogens.
Anyone on the list know how much we might want to be avoiding breathing
those fumes? I for one would be happy to hear that wax fumes are not so
bad to breath, as I've used hot wax resist in my studio for over 20 years
( with good ventilation). My hunch is though, that it is not a good
thing. David McDonald
This letter made *me* smile. My dad is a building contractor, and I used to
love tagging along behind him to check up on his various jobs. We used chip
board or particle board in a few places where it didn't matter, and it
always smelled of formaldehyde until it had aired out for a few days. To
this day, when I smell formaldehyde it makes me feel good, safe, homey. Of
course, it still gives me a headache.
Just because one finds a smell brings a pleasant emotional response, that
doesn't mean it's good for one's physical health. Paraffin fumes give me a
headache and make me cranky and irritable. Very bad signs. I do have an
unusually sensitive smeller, but whether you can smell the fumes or not, you
*are* taking them into your lungs. I wish I did know how dangerous they are
or aren't, but in the mean time, I avoid them. Maybe Monona will pick up on
this and give us the benefit of her advice.
Cindy Strnad
Earthen Vessels Pottery
RR 1, Box 51
Custer, SD 57730
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