Michelle Sholtis on fri 2 jun 00
Summer Job Opportunity
TeachCeramics and counsel boys
at a premier boys camp
in Becket, Massachusetts.
Teach clay skills, manage an electric kiln,
join the 5-teacher art department, and enjoy
the fabulous sports and outdoor facilities at
Camp Greylock
A Summer at Camp Greylock…
Camp Greylock is a premiere sports camp located in
western Massachusetts, in the heart of the Berkshires.
Since 1916, Greylock’s summer program integrates
learning in a supportive environment while enjoying
the beautiful outdoors through hikes and the strong
nature program.
Camp Greylock is developing its arts program in line
with its excellent sports program. The Greylock
sports program is renowned throughout the United
States, and the directors are improving the quality
and staffing of the art, theater, and music programs.
At Greylock, the campers are involved in instruction
and play in a variety of sports and outdoor
activities. In addition to great training in all
landsports and watersports, Greylock emphasizes nature
study, hiking, camping, and a real love and respect
for the outdoors. The Greylock campers learn good
sportsmanship, and learn how to support and care for
each other. The success of the camp is seen in the
unusual long-term commitment of staff and campers to
Camp Greylock. Not only the leadership, but also the
counseling and younger staff return year after year.
At Greylock, several camper groups generally go to the
art center at the same time, once, twice, or three
times/week. The group is then divided up into
ceramics, woodworking, sculpture, painting and
drawing. The art department is run by an art teacher
from Florida, who has much experience teaching classes
K-12. The department develops their own program
Spending a summer at Greylock is fun, exciting,
productive, and challenging. Make a difference in
someone’s life as well as your own --- join the
Greylock staff.
For more information, please call Diane or Nancy at
413 637 0555.
Michelle Sholtis
P.O. Box 1016
New York, NY 10156-0603
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