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was digital cameras; now file size and resolution

updated wed 14 jun 00


Ashley Hasselman on tue 13 jun 00

One thing to note about resolution is that all web images *should* be 72
dpi. You can put an image with a higher (or lower) resolution on your page
but what will happen is that it will convert to the standard 72 dpi and
compensate by changing the physical size of the image-- which could knock
all of the other components of your page out of whack.

The format you choose to save your files as also has a relation to the
clarity of the image... jpegs allow for a greater number of colors and are
better for photos. Gifs use less colors but are smaller in file size and
load faster. Of course, as with everything that is posted on the web, the
bottom line is what settings the viewer has their computer set to.

Ray said a lot (I think it was Ray?) when he said "content is king." All the
bells and whistles in the world don't make a bit of difference if a page
crashes Joe Consumer's Windows 3.1, 486 PC running Netscape 2.0... a page
may be a technical masterpiece but if the message doesn't cut through all of
the noise that's out there, hit home with your target and draw them back
again and again (stickiness), what difference does it make?

Ashley in Mississippi