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extruding with a clay bulley

updated sun 18 jun 00


Torgeir Leander Henriksen on sat 17 jun 00

I have had my CLay Bulley for 10 years and i still havent experienced all
the possibilitys of this exellent extruder.It is a little difficult to
handle by yourself on large projects,so you often need an assistent.With =
expansion box it can extrud sylinders of 30 cm. diameter.
But i am sure some of you who are working with this extruder or other
extruders have some hints and trics to share.I want to work much more with
the extruder in the future and more independent,so if you have some
experience to share please reply on the list or mail me off list.
I have orderd Diana Panciolis book ,extruded ceramics, and looking forward
to recive it.
The most of my extruded ceramics is fired in my wood fire Olsen kiln.

Torgeir Leander Henriksen
Galleri Thomasgaarden
7374 R=F8ros Norway