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suquamish art and garden tour

updated tue 20 jun 00


Brenda Beeley on mon 19 jun 00

Sorry folks for the lack of important details,

Suquamish Art and Garden Tour
Saturday, June 24
10am -5pm

Suquamish is the Birthplace of Chief Seattle. I live just down the beach
from his longhouse on Puget Sound, Kitsap County, Washington State. Very
powerful spot! I'm a 12 minute drive from either Kingston or Bainbridge
Island ferry terminals.

This is a very low-key garden tour since alot of Suquamish is somewhat
impoverished......but where I live on the water is gloroius........if only
the sun would come out!

Hope to see ya,

Brenda Beeley
P.O. Box 1339
Suquamish, WA 98392-1339
(360) 598-3688