Helen Bates on tue 20 jun 00
This is again a copy of a private answer to a clayart member. It may be
helpful to some newer computer users.
> Subject: email and browsers
> Hi, Helen,
> Thanks for responding,, I'm embarassed to tell you that
> I don't know about Digest and HTML's.. And I think I've
> learned a lot about computers in the past 3 years.. but
> I've never understood this part.. What I want to do is to
> let Earthlink go as my server, then just connect with the
> free servers, which hsa been going just fine.. I do visit the
> ARchives, but (...) exactly what constitutes which messages
> are kept in the archives,, All or just certain subjects?? I
> hate to miss anything.. I have as we speak 400 saved
> and 116 unread as of today, and I do read and purge
> daily.. What would you suggest?? Thanks so much,
My answer:
You'll find the Clayart web site at:
The archives start at:
and havelinks and a search form reachable from there...
All messages are kept in the Archives. There is a search engine on the
archives page quite near the top. Click on it and you will find a
search form. Use one or more words in the first space. Special
instructions are given with the subsequent spaces (fields).
Usually you will get both things you want and others with only some of
the search terms.
For instance, I entered "green glaze cone 6" in the first field and in
the "since" field, I entered "2000/01/01" (it insists on the
international form). I got 13 posts but only a little under half of
them had to do with cone 6 glazes. All had something to do with green,
though I had to search one with to see where the term was
in the post.
If you use the web site to read the archives, you can use the search
function to limit the number of posts to between certain dates and
For instance, I used the "Since" field to enter this text
string: "2000/06/20 07:00:00" so I got only the posts for today, posted
after 07:00 hours. (24 hour clock) That way, I only got 45 posts,
instead of all the ones for June. Also, if you don't mind getting 100 -
200 posts, you can enter only the date, and not the time, ie:
"2000/06/20" and get all the posts for the day so far.
Obviously, if you want a couple of days' posts, enter the date from
which you wish to have posts listed. If you want posts from earlier
than the current date and limit them to before today, use the "Until"
field to put in the last date for which you want posts.
I hope this is a start.
Helen Bates
Russel Fouts on sun 9 aug 09
James, Mea, etc,
The search functions of the ACTUAL OFFICIAL clayart archives at
lsv.ceramics.org are really quite powerful and useful.
There is a help page that explains the options quite clearly.
You will have to login with your userid or password (or sign up for one
if you don't have one) to use it though.
The hardest thing about it is FINDING the site. It's 'supported' by
Acers but is buried on theirs and on the Ceramics Monthly section of
Ceramic Arts Daily. They could make it easier to find.
It is also mentioned in the note that mel sends out every once in a
while titled something like 'Save This Message'
I found 3285 matches for crazing.
You can also read your clayart posts here. The interface is pretty good.
If you don't want to do that, you can search quite well at
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/clayart/ without even having to login. I
turned up 606 posts for crazing.
When you search with Google, you are turning up posts compiled on
www.Potters.org, one of the unofficial archive sites. Although a good
one, I heard talk earlier on this list that he might not be updating it
any more. This could be true, I did a search for a recent topic, earthen
plaster (thanks Rell!), and it turned up zero results.
And as far as turning Clayart into a bulletin board, I'm with Kelly for
the additional reason that I'm such a control freak that I'd be afaid of
missing out on something happening in a thread I wasn't watching.
Also, I'm lazy. I like all the information to come to me
(MWAHAHAHHAHA!!). I get the digest, one big post once a day, which is
very easy to scroll through.
I've also set up Google Reader to bring all the blog posts I'm watching
to me. If I find something I want more information on, I can click on
the post and it takes me to the blog.
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