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the opacifiers

updated tue 27 jun 00


Tom Buck on sun 25 jun 00

Mea cupla! I confused Opax and Ultrox! I went back to my references again,
and double-checked.
Ultrox = zirconium silicate, ZrSiO4
Opax = Zirconium Oxide, ZrO2
Zircopax = zirconium silicate, 94 - 96.5% minimum purity.
Zircon (as sand usually) = zirconium silicate.
The basic differences among these opacifiers is the level of
purity and the density of the powder. My data says ZrO2 has a density of
5.73 g/mL if pure (although Opax is 88% ZrO2), whereas zircon's density is
4.68 g/mL.
Some potters have earlier reported difficulties with Opax.
til later. peace. tom b.

Tom Buck ) tel: 905-389-2339
(westend Lake Ontario, province of Ontario, Canada).
mailing address: 373 East 43rd Street,
Hamilton ON L8T 3E1 Canada