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=?iso-8859-1?q?airpen=ae?= for ceramic glaze applications -

updated sun 2 jul 00


Larry Phillips on fri 30 jun 00

Hasanyone tried this? LONG

slathrop@BINNEY-SMITH.COM wrote:
> We have used several air assisted liquid applicators here in Research
> and Development. They all suffer the same malfunction to some
> degree. Only mechanically driven syringe barrels can give an even
> application. But mechanical applicators like JG machine, Filamatic and
> others are cost prohibitive. Several of the air assisted plastic
> syringe type of barrels like the Airpen all have rubber plungers in
> a plastic barrel.

Interesting. The (admittedly crude) depictions on their web site seem to
show a device without a plunger. I had assumed that the liquid was
forced out by the pressure in the airspace above the liquid only.

If this is not the case, what are the chances of a 'pen' with only
pressurized air above the liquid actually working?

Hukt on fonix werkt fer me!