ASHPOTS@AOL.COM on sun 2 jul 00
Hey, i was reading my new issue of Clay Times and i was looking at the page
that Pete Pinnell wrote about Shinos.Of course i want to try them but what
the heck is
"325- Mesh Calcined Alumina"
Do i have to make it or can i just buy it.When i lived in Miami i would drive
over to Miami Clay and pick up what i needed,here out in the country it is
not that easy.
By the way-- If any body has the time to come to Chattanooga you must come
and visit the Tenn Aqarium. I volunteer there and i water plants. There is a
show with Venom fish and snakes etc. Some of the colors and textures are
Capt Mark Lookout Mountain Pottery
Craig Martell on sun 2 jul 00
The capn' sez:
>Hey, i was reading my new issue of Clay Times and i was looking at the page
>that Pete Pinnell wrote about Shinos.Of course i want to try them but what
>the heck is
> "325- Mesh Calcined Alumina"
Ahoy Mark:
It's 325 mesh alumina oxide and it's processed by Alcoa. Nope, you don't
have to make it as most large suppliers have it and can UPS you some. Try
Axner as he's not too far from you or, of course, the supplier of your choice.
Shinos are very high in alumina and you can get some really hot ones with
up to 40% alumina oxide and a bit of iron in the glaze.
later, Craig Martell in Oregon
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