At2350F@AOL.COM on wed 5 jul 00
There are still a few spaces availiable for the Brian Ransom workshop being
held this weekend (July 8,9) at the Marjorie T. Sherman Community Ceramics
Center in Salem, OR. This is a hands on workshop focusing on creating
musical instruments from clay. The cost is only $70 for both days. Call
(503) 581-7275 to register.
Brian Ransom is a highly respected artist and musician. His work will
astound you for both it's creativity and its musical qualities. Brian will
lead participants through the creation of simple whistles and drums, to more
complex forms and instruments. (he's made things like clay trumpets and
saxaphones) He was featured a few years ago in Ceramics Monthly for his 4
foot tall wind powered whistling sculptures. One focus of his work explores
pre-Columbian ceremonial whistling water jars which I believe he recieved a
Fullbright and a National Endowment for the Arts grant to study. He's got a
musical slide show of actual pieces that will amaze you as to the complexity
of some of these instruments.
Don't miss this workshop if you have the chance to come!
Karl Knudson
Marjorie T. Sherman Community Ceramics Center Coordinator
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