Jeff Lawrence on sat 29 jul 00
One feature of clayart I discovered in the last couple of months may be
useful to others as well. I don't have time to read an hour of e-mail on
clay a day. I tried signing off for a while but suffered withdrawal. What to
do? Then I discovered that the folks from have provided a
Use the clayart "current discussion" feature on the web:
This view of the dialog shows subject lines, through which you can drill
down to messages. I cruise for topics of interest and read the related
posts. When I have spare time, I'll check out topic headers of less
immediate interest.
My compliments to the technicians who handle the underpinnings of clayart!
Jeff Lawrence ph. 505-753-5913
Sun Dagger Design fx. 505-753-8074
18496 US HWY 285/84
Espanola, NM 87532
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