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maiolica recipes'

updated thu 3 aug 00


sharon on thu 3 aug 00

Dear folks :
Awhile back Margo Miller sent in 2 recipes for maiolica, one a black =
maiolica and one for a no pinhole maiolica.
The no pinhole maiolica called for frit 3100.I've never heard of that =
particular frit - is that really the frit needed or is it frit 3110?

Also: I'm trying to achieve a black background for my painting on =
maiolica. I wax resist the colored painting then cover the white glaze =
w/ a black stain. But I'm getting tons of pinholes on the black =
background. If the background is white, no pinholes. Sure looks like a =
starry night on top of my fruit when the background is black, tho. The =
underside of the pieces has more pinholes than the upper.

Any suggestions? Margo, are you there? Your e-mail didn't appear w/ the =

Thanks for any help,