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non-wedging wedging

updated thu 3 aug 00


Dwiggins, Sandra (NCI) on wed 2 aug 00

This is the wedging technique I teach my adult students who have wrist
problems. Works really well for them. I always demonstrate how nicely the
slaming aligns and deairs the clay by either using two different colors or
by taking a piece of hard clay and some slop from the bucket. Jensen does
this in his beginning's pretty good on clay prep.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: H. L. Rogers [SMTP:rogersx@ALLTEL.NET]
> Sent: Tuesday, August 01, 2000 11:15 AM
> Subject: Re: Non-wedging wedging
> Hi Carol, In answer to your question about pugged clay, I very
> seldom wedge because of carpel tunnel. I pug my clay then work it
> into the shape I want for throwing by manipulating it on the wedging
> table. Since it's deaired in the pugmill, it takes very little work
> to get it into shape for throwing. I usually slam both ends down on
> the table to compress and flatten, then roll into the shape I'm
> after. Works for me!
> Joyce in n. Georgia
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