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glaze recipe wanted

updated sat 12 aug 00


Don & June MacDonald on thu 10 aug 00

Hi All: Does anyone have a recipe for a glaze called Reeve's Green?
(cone 10 R)

Thanks.......June from B.C.

Lynne at The Pottery Web on thu 10 aug 00

At 04:30 PM 08/10/2000 -0700, you wrote:
>Hi All: Does anyone have a recipe for a glaze called Reeve's Green?
>(cone 10 R)
>Any chance you want Reitz (sp?) Green, a weathered bronze?
>Send postings to
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>settings from
>Moderator of the list is Mel Jacobson who may be reached at

Louis H.. Katz on fri 11 aug 00

Glaze name: Reeves Green
Cone: 10
Color: green
Glaze type:

Recipe: Percent
Custer Feldspar 75.00
Whiting 15.00
Flint 5.00
Kaolin 5.00
Totals: 100.00 %

Also add:
Chromium Oxide 4.00

Louis Katz