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pink oxide' related...(anectdote)'uranium-glaze

updated fri 18 aug 00


Philip Poburka on thu 17 aug 00

Years ago I Catalogued rare Books, working at a private research Library -
everything wonderfully old and tasteful...the Watercooler was from the oos,
or 'teens I guess, Big earthenware jug with a nickle-plated spigot - had
blue stenciled motifs and Banners about "Uranium" "Vitality" and "Health"
... little stylized lightening Bolt vignettes...Think it was a Uranium
glaze...I expect Madame Curie would have squinted a stern glance...We drank
from it all the time...hell, I think one Summer we put Lemonade in it...

In Las Vegas
where we might just be in for a storm...