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test tiles messed up-- what now?--long rant

updated sat 19 aug 00


CNW on fri 18 aug 00

Help -- I am trying to set up my old department up with clay and glazes =
that will be nearly 'fool proof'. They wanted a single clay - white that =
would work for all 'round use. So I suggested Highwater's raku white. =
That was the beginning of the saga.

I bought 50# of the clay and bought 5# of standard's low fire clear ( a =
dry glaze) (my own money cause you know how long it takes to get stuff =
through the state) Then I made up the test tiles, figured that the =
department head could bisque them for me since I am trying to get ready =
to go to Greensboro. I run back in and mix the glaze with the oxides and =

I loaded the these up and started the kiln-the controller said that the =
last firing was 06... rats! At that point having spent an hour and a =
half for free I suspect I changed the cone to 05, hoped somebody had =
done a firing in between and started the kiln.=20
Finally I got a hold of the guy the next day and he said "Oh yes that's =
right I fired them to ^06 they are just test tiles what does it matter?" =

I had very carefully explained that the whole reason I was making the =
test tiles was to make sure the glaze would fit properly --- he doesn't =
get it. Not a clue.=20

Yes the glazes crazed like all get out. And bless his little punkin =
head he says, "Well we know they crazed because they were bisqued wrong =
so what is the problem?"

So now I am going to start at the university Monday, I can't get in to =
the local art building this weekend because they needed my key, so I =
can't redo the tests and I have no idea whether the glaze fits well =
enough to have them order a bunch of the Standard's Low fire dry. If I =
thought there was no possibility that they would use the glaze on =
functional ware I would say to heck with it and order but who knows? I =
can't seem to make this guy understand the importance of glaze fit, etc. =
he thinks I am just neurotic. (I won't say what I think at this point)

So..the upshot of all of this is: does anybody have experience with =
Highwater's raku and Standard's low fire dry clear?

Or any suggestions other than washing my hands of the whole deal?

Please Email me directly if you would I won't have my computer set up in =
Greensboro but my husband can call me with your advice.

Celia hysterical in North Carolina as usual!=20