ww dfdfhg on wed 30 aug 00
--- Sandy
I would be interested in purchasing the kickwheel from
you if you are still interested
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Sandy Heidel on wed 30 aug 00
I stopped by a rummage sale today and picked up 2 kilns and a wheel.
One kiln is a Cress B-18-H and the other is a Paragon AA88 with a Model P
Kiln Sitter. The Paragon has a few bricks that need repair and the element is
pulled out at one point. The Cress has a cracked floor. Other than that they
are in pretty good shape. Last fired 3 years ago.
Any advice on getting them ready to fire would be greatly appreciated. I am
in no hurry...still making peace with the clay (process) and trying not to
rush (product).
The kick wheel is a tall aluminum frame model. I will probably be selling
that. I bought an electric one not long ago. And we continue to work on
mutual respect.
Best part is I only paid $200 for the whole works.
I am a beginning potter and have never fired a kiln on my own before. I was
not even expecting to buy one for a few months.
I have been deleting all the messages from the list that were posted
regarding kiln maintenance and rewiring, thinking I would not need to learn
that for some time yet.
Any advice could be sent to me off the list so those who did read them
conscientiously the first time, will not have to sit through my remedial
Onalaska, Wisconsin where the deer and the Labradors play.
Juliet Johnston on wed 30 aug 00
Hi Sandy,
The best advice on reparing a kiln is not to let it
intemidate you. A kiln is relatively simple. When you
take off the cover of the kiln sitter, look for black
smokey spots that might have been a short. You may
need to buy some new parts if you see this. Get the
model and serial numbers and watt and ampes. Order a
manual and talk to the manufacturer who will be lots
of help. You won't have any trouble. Juliet
Dave Hedblom on wed 6 sep 00
You can also go to the clayart archives at
for past info.
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