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kaolin slips...the cone and atmosphere

updated thu 31 aug 00


sdpotter@GTE.NET on wed 30 aug 00

Sorry about not listing the cone or atmosphere...I was rather tired when I
wrote it.
I fire to cone 10 in a wood kiln. To better descibe what I'm looking for is
that will flash...I was looking into a Helmar based slip, but I had no
starting point.
Again, sorry.
Steve Dalton

GURUSHAKTI@AOL.COM on wed 30 aug 00

Steve, you can start with this one :

Casebeer flashing slip cone 9-10 Reduction

15 F-4 Sodaspar
35 Avery Kaolin
35 Grolleg
15 Flint

Apply thin!

I used all Grolleg and in wood, it was like a shino -- a nice light, warm

You can try different Kaolins for more color. Helmar with it's higher iron
and Titanium content will give you a darker color than the old Avery, but you
could try using about 50 Grolleg and 20 Helmar. Just play with combinations
till you find what works for you.
McNamee Kaolin can give a nice blush in fossil fuel fired kilns. You might
want to try that alone or in combination with the Helmar.

Another slip you can also try 75 kaolin and 25 Neph Syenite.

Also, check the archives. There's a lot of information in there on flashing
slips and substitutes.

Warm regards,