Paul Huel on wed 30 aug 00
We have used silicone caulking with good success in Northern B.C.
where it does get near to 40 below some winters. The silicone
caulking seems to work where others fail. Make sure that there is a
bead of silicone around the edges so moisture cannot get in and do
it's thaw/freeze thing which may eventually pop the piece off.
>Hi everyone - I have searched the archives and can't seem to find =
anything about tile adhesive for OUTDOOR application. I live in Alaska =
and someone wants me to make some ceramic house numbers for her. =
Obviously, we have very cold weather and lots of freeze/thaw in the =
spring time.
>Does anyone have any good ideas? I'm afraid that when it gets really =
cold (-20) it may fall off when the door is slammed.
>Any other thoughts would be greatly appreciated. =20
>Thanks in advance. :)
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