Andie Carpenter on sun 10 sep 00
I have this problem, too - and I've got two solutions, neither of which works well
enough for production, but suits me pretty well:
1) if the piece allows, (especially porcelain), trim very wet, and then pull the
2) as this won't work in most cases, I have a collection of sturdy round tupperwares
what I use as chucks (right word?), setting the pitcher down on an upside down
tupperware, so that it is just barely not touching the bat. The, I put the whole
contraption on a Giffin Grip and center the pitcher itself.
Hope this is of some help - also, thanks to all who responded with Chris Wolf's glaze
recipes - I really appreciate it!
: ) Andie
chrisclarke wrote (snip):
> I know not everyone trims pitchers, but I like feet ...Has anyone come up with a
> way to trim a pitcher with a good sized pulled spout ( pulled just after thrown)
> without screwing it up.
Cat Jarosz on mon 11 sep 00
I did not catch the original question on trimming pitchers but I have one
more way to add to your collection of ways to trim a pitcher that works for
me ... thats to trim then put a wet shammy on the lip thats to be pulled
till its soft enough to pull . I usually add more clay to the spout after
I pull it too .. Cat
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