Andrew Francis on tue 12 sep 00
I second Kurt's support of Michael Wisner's workshop from the viewpoint
of a ceramics studio technician and workshop lurker. We had a great
time and I learned plenty from Michael's workshop where we even went to
a friend of our school's own vein of clay where our friend took a
backhoe scoop 10 feet deep to see how useable and how much processing
would be necessary for his clay. Michael has loads of information and
techniques for processing naturally occuring clay! BTW Our friends clay
was not really useable since it had to be heavily processed.
Andrew Francis
The Interlaken School of Art
At2350F@AOL.COM on tue 12 sep 00
There are still a few spaces availiable in Michael Wisner's Mata Otriz
workshop being held Sept. 15th to 19th, at the M. T. Sherman Ceramics Center
in Salem, OR. Michael will lead participants in a hands on workshop
covering the building, burnishing, decorating, and firing pottery in the Mata
Ortiz style. Please visit Michael's site at for
great pictures and information as to his work and what he covers in his
workshops. If you would like more information or to register please call
(503)581-7275, or visit our website at
Karl Knudson
M.T. Sherman Ceramics Center Coordinator
Kurt Wild on tue 12 sep 00
Below is information on a great workshop - I know, as I have been to two of
Michael's workshops (one in Colorado and one in Minneapolis). He is
definitely knowledgeable and an extremely pleasant and helpful person. If
you've been toying with the thought of attending - stop and sign up
now. This announcement does not benefit me in any way -- I just think his
workshops are great!
At 01:16 PM 09/12/2000 -0400, you wrote:
>There are still a few spaces availiable in Michael Wisner's Mata Otriz
>workshop being held Sept. 15th to 19th, at the M. T. Sherman Ceramics Center
>in Salem, OR. Michael will lead participants in a hands on workshop
>covering the building, burnishing, decorating, and firing pottery in the Mata
>Ortiz style. Please visit Michael's site at for
>great pictures and information as to his work and what he covers in his
>workshops. If you would like more information or to register please call
>(503)581-7275, or visit our website at
>Karl Knudson
>M.T. Sherman Ceramics Center Coordinator
Shelley Corwin on wed 13 sep 00
there is also room in the trip to mata ortiz with juan quezada teaching, sept
29, 10 days, contact vanessa acosta, 323-344-9064. a phenomenal experience.
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