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needed: sales person at shimpo ceramics

updated thu 14 sep 00


Shimpopot1@AOL.COM on wed 13 sep 00

Shimpo Ceramics is looking for an aggressive and enthusiastic individual to join us as a sales and customer service representative to call on our dealers and customers. This person will offer assistance with applications, technical issues, and sales promotions and participate in trade shows and training seminars. While headquartered in suburban Chicago, this position will involve about 35 to 50% travel. We are looking for someone with a bachelor's degree and a ceramics and business background, with a good knowledge of ceramics equipment, particularly electric kilns, used in pottery/fine art or ceramics pottery area. Interested? Fax (630-924-0539)E-Mail (, or snail mail (Human Resources, 1701 Glenlake Ave., Itasca, IL 60143) your resume with salary requirements. Come join us!