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picasso/ arnoldi

updated sat 16 sep 00


Alisa and Claus Clausen on fri 15 sep 00

Hi Diane,
A lot of opinions about this was raised during a discussion about a show =
I saw of Per Arnoldi's decorated
vessels. The vessels were well thrown by potters and he had super time =
painting them. I had extremely
mixed opinions after the show, (esp. after speaking to him and the =
salespitch about clay is sexy and I am
thinking how I feel after I wedge, throw and decorate) but the =
discussion on Clayart help me to categorize/prioritize
my emotions about the issue. More or less in the end I felt well, he =
had a good time and he felt good about=20
the work, so I was OK with it. I did not want to do what he was doing, =
I did not want one
of the pots, but I admired his energy in making the pots. I did not =
like, as a potter, that the general
public assumed he is such a broadly talented mulit artist that he =
miraculously threw the pots
as well. This has to do with my own pride of properly learning a skill. =

The original subject was A Dane, sex and a lot of pots. It grew into a =
discussion about
about validating art. Many of the posts in the archives are pertinent =
to this discussion, and you may see=20
some opinions that you will relate to. Look in April, 2000.
Best regards,
Alisa in Denmark
>Moderator of the list is Mel Jacobson who may be reached at =