Alisa and Claus Clausen on fri 22 sep 00
Tested on light grey, mid range stoneware fired to 1220c oxidation.
45.5 3134
4.5 Talc
19.0 Custer spar
6.0 Cornwall stone
14.5 EPK
10.5 Silica
Subbed local spar and frit.
Replicated original recipe with no discernable difference.
Thanks Roy! I have tests in now with the cream gloss layered over
some of the iron glazes I have used the original receipe with. Great, =
Best regards,
=C4lisa in Denmark
Original receipe for comparison
30 G.B.
10 Witing
35 Custer Feld.
15 Plastic Vitrox. Clay
10 Flint
I subbed with loca spar and Cornwall stone for PVC.
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