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itc spray help

updated tue 3 oct 00


Kurt Wild on sun 1 oct 00

Absolutely get some help. Especially to have someone hold the bucket and
stir. If you try to do it your self and don't have a helper you may have a
problem like I did. That was when i started mixing with my drill and not
holding on to the bucket with the free hand -- the drill caught the
stiffer stuff in the bucket the bucket took off! ITC on shoes and
socks. Maybe I can now be a fire walker! :)


June Perry on mon 2 oct 00

Hi Kurt:

I got a good laugh out of your ITC experience because I had a similar
experience when doing my old Geil, fiber kiln. Not only did I spill it on my
shoes, but I had the bucket inside the kiln (I was doing this all by myself
(my first big mistake), but I spilled it inside the kiln and of course it ran
right into some of the burner ports and into the burners. What a bloody mess
to clean up! I can laugh now, but it wasn't too funny at the time. :-(
Tom Wirt had a very good suggestion about keeping the bucket at the level of
the sprayer. Hopefully, that will keep it from clogging.

Warm regards,