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itc stuff-crystalline problems and globar elements

updated tue 3 oct 00


June Perry on sun 1 oct 00

Dear Mel:

You have a very good point there Mel. I think I am going to heed your good
advice and not do anything to the new Skutt until I fire it several times and
make sure that all systems are working optimally. It will also give me a good
comparison of firing times, etc. with and without the ITC. I'll just
spray/paint the shelves and furniture.
Interesting rumor/info about the crystalline zinc glazes trashing the
elements in ten firings. I wonder if this is just from particular
manufacturers. None of the crystalline books or articles I've read have
mentioned anything like that. I wonder if this is something recent due to
change in element makeup or???
Wonder if the zinc would do that to globar elements; and, are globars
available anywhere these days? Since they're impervious to the effects of
reduction they might just be unaffected by the zinc.

Warmest regards,

Nils Lou on mon 2 oct 00

Since you mention zinc which is a crucial element in crystalline glazes I
want to caution the use of oxygen probes in crystalline firings. Zinc will
seriously affect the sensor tip and reduce the life of the probe.
If I were firing crystallines in electric kilns I would not do so without
treating elements with ITC 213. Makes them impervious to zinc and
reduction. cheers, nils

On Sun, 1 Oct 2000, June Perry wrote:

> Dear Mel:
> You have a very good point there Mel. I think I am going to heed your good
> advice and not do anything to the new Skutt until I fire it several times and
> make sure that all systems are working optimally. It will also give me a good
> comparison of firing times, etc. with and without the ITC. I'll just
> spray/paint the shelves and furniture.
> Interesting rumor/info about the crystalline zinc glazes trashing the
> elements in ten firings. I wonder if this is just from particular
> manufacturers. None of the crystalline books or articles I've read have
> mentioned anything like that. I wonder if this is something recent due to
> change in element makeup or???
> Wonder if the zinc would do that to globar elements; and, are globars
> available anywhere these days? Since they're impervious to the effects of
> reduction they might just be unaffected by the zinc.
> Warmest regards,
> June
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June Perry on mon 2 oct 00

Hi Nils:

Thanks for the caveat on the oxyprobe. It's a bit of a dilemma about the
coating. On one hand Skutt will negate their warranty if any coatings are put
on the kiln or elements, and on the other hand, there's a two year limited
warranty on the kiln, and if as Mel pointed out, the industry rumor is that
a lot of kiln elements are biting the dust after ten firings, then I'm
assuming, under warranty, they would be replaced. What to do, what to do????
I guess I'll wait till the kiln arrives and read the warranty very carefully!

Thanks again!
Warmest regards,