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trimming your ware --jonathan's lament ;-)

updated thu 5 oct 00


Czola on wed 4 oct 00

Jonathan, if you read all the posts, you will notice an alarming trend in
pottery... everyone has their own way of doing things: a good rule of thumb
is, there is a definite way to do things wrong, but no definite way to do
things "right". I'm just thankful that it makes it that much harder for the
dogmatics of the world to rule in my little world!

chemistry is chemistry, so you won't find such a chorus of "oh, do it THIS
way" when reading about firing and glazing.

Many on the list are just beginning, or have had only one teacher. Be
patient, please! and let everyone share their experience... one can try
five "right ways" to do something and it won't work for them...

but the sixth...