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glaze test for emily's blue cone 6 ox./colemanite

updated sat 7 oct 00


Alisa and Claus Clausen on fri 6 oct 00

Source: Clayart Archives, semi gloss opaque purple
Tested on light grey mid range stoneware, fired to 1220c oxidation.

34 Custer spar
18 Gerstely Borate
11 Ball clay
14 Talc
10 Flint
6 Dolomite
4 Zircopax

3 Colb. carb.

Subbed Colemanite for G.B.

Results very similar to G.B. receipe,
Stable, semi gloss, opaque toned down blue with a appealing purble/grey =

Best regards,
Alisa in Denmark