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glaze test for nelson's base,, cone 6, redux, plus colorants.

updated sun 8 oct 00


Alisa and Claus Clausen on sat 7 oct 00

Source: Marcia Selsor, Montana, USA
Tested on light grey mid range stoneware,finely grogged, fired to 1220c =
64 Custer spar
18 Whiting =20
9 Ball Clay
5 Talc
Base showed a stable, glossy clear, milky where thickest.

,75 Chrome, ,25 Colb.carb. Teal. Showed an opaque teal, which is =
to say a green blue, stable and not moving or running.
or 3% green stain. More dark green than blue =
where thickest.

3,5% Rutile Tan Showed an opaque tan, =
yellowish color. Creamy where thickest, yellower where thinnest.

2,8% Colb. Carb. Blue Showed an opaque dark blue. =
Brown to gold spotting throughout. Stable.

8% RIO Speckled toad Not hard to find out where the =
name comes from. A dark, glossy, opaque brown,
with black and =
iron red and light spots througout. A funny, nice glaze. Has some
light spot =
effects in a very dark ground not unsimilar to Chris Wolff plum.

10% Ochre (because I like
ochre) If the above is =
winter toad, this is summer toad. Same spotted surface, but overall
on a light ochre =
brown ground. Also funy and nice. Did not produce some of the
heavy steaking of =
oranges and whites some of the bases produced with 10% ochre
in my trials. I =
prefer this more "homogenized" color ground with a lot of commotion
on the surface. =
Darker where thinner, lighter where thicker. Good effect over throwing

All of the above have a good, smooth feel.

Best regards,
Alisa in Denmark