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more ash!!!!

updated sun 15 oct 00


Milton Markey on fri 13 oct 00

In a message dated 10/13/00, Chris writes:

> What a great time to be a ceramicist.
> Go to
Hi Chris!

According to my server, "" or" don't exist. Could
you tell us what the correct URL to the anagama site is?


Milton NakedClay@AOL.COM

Christopher Greenman on fri 13 oct 00

This site reveals more of the great tradition of pottery as art as found in
Japanese ceramics. Pottery that searches for truth for both maker and

What a great time to be a ceramicist.

Go to

Chris in Alabama

....once more preparing to Lowell's in Tuscaloosa.

...and embarking on a new adventure, my first fair....

see me at the Kentuck Festival in Northport, AL ( just across
the river from Tuscaloosa) October 21,22