Alisa and Claus Clausen on fri 6 oct 00
Source: Marcia Selsor, Montana, USA
Tested on white medium range stoneware, finely grogged, fired at 1220c =
20 Gerstley Borate
30 Neph. Syn.
13,3 EPK
9,4 Whiting
17,4 Talc
10 Silica
Subbed Colmanite for G.B. Very similar results to original recipe, =
smooth, semi matt white with a nice feel.
Might be a bit glossier, but have to try again, as application may have =
been thinner than first test.
5% Colb. Carb, 3% Rutile (light blue) resulted in dark blue, with =
lighter streaking and some golden brown high spots.
Very varied =
coloration and same nice smooth feel as Waxy White base.
Tested same recipe, with Colmanite subbed for G.B. with same colorants =
for light blue.
Resulted in almost same look, but a brighter grey/teal blue where =
thinner, and same mottle dark blue with
golden brown where thickest. Also good feel.
Best regards,
Alisa in Demark
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