Fraley on tue 24 oct 00
First off my name is Toby Fraley and I am new to posting questions
on CLAYART. I've checked in quite a few times and liked what I saw so I
thought I'd give a question a try.
I am looking for a lava type, cone 6 oxidation glaze . I am using
Laguna's wc-610 and wc-601 cone 6 clays. I want something with ALOT of
texture (for non functional pieces of coarse). I am fairly new to mixing
my own glazes so the easier the better for now. If anyone has any to
share I'd greatly appreciate it.
Also I read somewhere (Ceramics Monthly?) that it isn't a good idea
to keep mixed glazes in plastic buckets because after roughly six months
the plastic affects the glaze. Is this a fact or urban legend? If it is
true is it also unwise for me to store my dry chemicals in plastic
Thank you in advance.
Wade Blocker on wed 25 oct 00
I store all my supplies in plastic storage jars. Also my glazes. The
reason for that is that if something falls off the table it does not
shatter and leave glass shards all over the place. Since I am not a
production potter I have never had occasion to mix enough of a glaze to
have to store it in a bucket or pail. I have never noticed any
deterioration or chemical change of anything I have stored in a container
made of plastic.There is a recipe for a cone 6 lava glaze in CM October
2000, page 44.
Mia in autumnal ABQ
Nina Jones on wed 25 oct 00
Oh, and regarding the ^6 Lava glaze (oxidation or reduction) from Rick =
Malmgren's "My Way with Clay", CM, October 2000 (for those who, for =
whatever reason, can't get a hold of this publication).
Marilee's Lava Glaze
Whiting 23.91%
Custer Feldspar 49.73
EPK 13.18
Flint 13.18
Titanium Dioxide 11.29%
Silicon Carbide .34%
Malmgren's comment: "A very rough glaze, not intended for food surfaces. =
Fine silicon carbide seems to work best. For a gray-to-black variation, =
add 7% Mason stain 6600."
Toby, Ceramics Monthly, Pottery Making Illustrated and Clay Times are all =
very worthwhile magazines to subscribe to, if you're able.
Nina D. Jones
Southside Chicago
rmalmgren on fri 27 oct 00
Dear Fraley,
I have had good success with the following recipe at cone 6 in electric and
gas firings. If you subscribe to Ceramics Monthly there is an article in
this month's issue on my work with a couple of examples of the glaze.
Marilee's Lava Glaze
Custer feldspar 44.5
EPK 11.8
Flint 11.8
Whiting 21.4
Titanium dioxide 10.1
Silicon Carbide 0.3
For dark gray to black add:
Mason stain 6600 - 7%
Rick Malmgren
Lothian, MD
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