Cindy Strnad on fri 3 nov 00
Crush up the clay *before* you fire it, not afterwards--unless you do have
the heavy equipment on hand.
Cindy Strnad
Earthen Vessels Pottery
RR 1, Box 51
Custer, SD 57730
Karen Sullivan on fri 3 nov 00
Perhaps you can look for a rock crusher or hammermill and
crunch up bisqueware...that way there is a better fit with the
clay you are using, cause it's the same stuff...cheaper too.
A hammer works too, but it's time consuming...
bamboo karen
Tom Buck on sat 4 nov 00
Karen S (and others):
Ron Roy told me earlier this year when I had the sense to ask:
to make grog from you own claybody 1) let scraps etc. go bonedry; 2)
crush the scraps to small size; 3) screen the crushed clay through
whatever mesh you want for your grog, namely, 35-50 mesh for coarse grog,
60-80 mesh for medium grog, and 100 mesh for fine grog; 4) place in
suitable unglazed bowl and fire with a bisque load.
This will make a grog that takes little final effort for use.
Happy crushing/screening.
bye for now. peace. Tom B.
Tom Buck
tel: 905-389-2339 (westend Lake Ontario, province of Ontario, Canada).
mailing address: 373 East 43rd Street,
Hamilton ON L8T 3E1 Canada
On Fri, 3 Nov 2000, Karen Sullivan wrote:
> Perhaps you can look for a rock crusher or hammermill and
> crunch up bisqueware...that way there is a better fit with the
> clay you are using, cause it's the same stuff...cheaper too.
> A hammer works too, but it's time consuming...
> bamboo karen
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