priddy on wed 8 nov 00 the chinese brush painter.
it is the detail work that you add after the bold strokes are in.
accent marks, pointers, detail arrows.
script calligraphy only looks pretentious to the uninformed.
bad calligraphy is indeed pretentious, literally.
but the most beautiful calligraphy I have ever witnessed =
was a whole experience, not just some marks on a page. =
It is inscribed verses painted on wooden signs =
made by a semi-literate poet inher garden. =
The writing is beautiful in her script and says =
things like "to work in a garden shows faith in god" =
There are spelling errors that would be crass to point out to
an 84 year old woman who did not complete high school but who =
felt a sincere urge to communicate about her raison d'etre.
She made the marks as beautiful as she could and they =
could not be more beautiful if they were gilded on silver.
respectfully submitted,
elizabeth priddy
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