C TRIPP on thu 9 nov 00
I am getting ready to make my once a year clay and supplies order. As I
live in Dubai, it is not practical to order up a bag of this and a bag of
that to sample; it's an all-ones-eggs-in-one-basket sort of order. I use
Mid Red and Mid Smooth Stone right now but I am thinking of changing as well
as branching out to porcelain. (Though I love the fired colour of the Mid
Red, I find it difficult to throw tall pots with it and I don't much care
for the grog though I can live with it. The Mid Smooth Stone throws tall and
thin nicely and it's easier on my fingers.) Does anyone have any thoughts
and advice about the other Tucker ^6 stoneware (non-manganese containing)
clays and any of the ^6 porcelains? All responses will be gratefully
appreciated. Offlist may be most appropriate?
Thanks, Carol
I saw a man take his falcon into the grocery store today. I guess he
couldn't leave it in the car.
Say Bye to Slow Internet!
Barney Adams on thu 9 nov 00
I like the MCS. A nice ^6 porcelain type clay from Tuckers.
I've tried the paper clay too but works diffrent on the wheel.
I figured how could I go wrong with clay that Ron Roy is associated
with. I have done some agateware using 3 diffrent Tucker clays.
They even work well togeather.
C TRIPP wrote:
> I am getting ready to make my once a year clay and supplies order. As I
> live in Dubai, it is not practical to order up a bag of this and a bag of
> that to sample; it's an all-ones-eggs-in-one-basket sort of order. I use
> Mid Red and Mid Smooth Stone right now but I am thinking of changing as well
> as branching out to porcelain. (Though I love the fired colour of the Mid
> Red, I find it difficult to throw tall pots with it and I don't much care
> for the grog though I can live with it. The Mid Smooth Stone throws tall and
> thin nicely and it's easier on my fingers.) Does anyone have any thoughts
> and advice about the other Tucker ^6 stoneware (non-manganese containing)
> clays and any of the ^6 porcelains? All responses will be gratefully
> appreciated. Offlist may be most appropriate?
> Thanks, Carol
> I saw a man take his falcon into the grocery store today. I guess he
> couldn't leave it in the car.
> _______________________________________________________
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> Send postings to clayart@lsv.ceramics.org
> You may look at the archives for the list or change your subscription
> settings from http://www.ceramics.org/clayart/
> Moderator of the list is Mel Jacobson who may be reached at melpots@pclink.com.
jcullen on thu 9 nov 00
Carol, I've been using Tucker's MCS Porcelain at Cone 6 for about a year.
For throwing it's great. I'm able to throw 12" inches and thin. I use a lot
of water for my first two or three pulls and then get most of the water off
with sponge pulls and with rib pulls. I finsih all my thrown pots with ribs
inside and out. Because of the fine grog (if any) the final surface is
smooth and trimming is unnecessary. It also works beautifully with glazes.
I've done some handbuilding and it works fine but I don't do enough
handbuilding to really comment. I have also thrown the other Cone 6
porcelain 6-50 but liked the throwing characteristics of MCS better.
BTW, Ron Roy is a consultant to Tucker and knows the clay bodies first hand.
Porcelain is a bit tricky. Watch your water in the bottom of your pot. Water
is both a friend and and enemy. Be aware.
Good Luck.
Naperville, Illinois
----- Original Message -----
From: "C TRIPP"
Sent: Thursday, November 09, 2000 8:17 AM
Subject: Advice needed re ^6 Tuckers Clay
> I am getting ready to make my once a year clay and supplies order. As I
> live in Dubai, it is not practical to order up a bag of this and a bag of
> that to sample; it's an all-ones-eggs-in-one-basket sort of order. I
> Mid Red and Mid Smooth Stone right now but I am thinking of changing as
> as branching out to porcelain. (Though I love the fired colour of the Mid
> Red, I find it difficult to throw tall pots with it and I don't much care
> for the grog though I can live with it. The Mid Smooth Stone throws tall
> thin nicely and it's easier on my fingers.) Does anyone have any thoughts
> and advice about the other Tucker ^6 stoneware (non-manganese containing)
> clays and any of the ^6 porcelains? All responses will be gratefully
> appreciated. Offlist may be most appropriate?
> Thanks, Carol
> I saw a man take his falcon into the grocery store today. I guess he
> couldn't leave it in the car.
> _______________________________________________________
> Say Bye to Slow Internet!
> http://www.home.com/xinbox/signup.html
> Send postings to clayart@lsv.ceramics.org
> You may look at the archives for the list or change your subscription
> settings from http://www.ceramics.org/clayart/
> Moderator of the list is Mel Jacobson who may be reached at
Dan Hill on fri 10 nov 00
Hi Carol
I have been using Tuckers Mid-White and 6-50 Porcelain for several years
now. Mid-White fires to a light yellow-buff in oxidation and a nice
toasty brown in reduction. The 6-50 is nice and white in oxidation and
has a grey tinge in reduction. Both are good for throwing and take slips
and glazes well. I have had a little trouble with s-cracks in the
mid-white but with a little care when throwing and trimming that has
been eliminated. For a very white porcelain at ^6 I use Pottery Supply
House 910. Pottery supply House is also a Toronto based company.
Best of luck,
Dan Hill
Eastern Ontario, Canada
C TRIPP wrote:
> I am getting ready to make my once a year clay and supplies order. As I
> live in Dubai, it is not practical to order up a bag of this and a bag of
> that to sample; it's an all-ones-eggs-in-one-basket sort of order. I use
> Mid Red and Mid Smooth Stone right now but I am thinking of changing as well
> as branching out to porcelain. (Though I love the fired colour of the Mid
> Red, I find it difficult to throw tall pots with it and I don't much care
> for the grog though I can live with it. The Mid Smooth Stone throws tall and
> thin nicely and it's easier on my fingers.) Does anyone have any thoughts
> and advice about the other Tucker ^6 stoneware (non-manganese containing)
> clays and any of the ^6 porcelains? All responses will be gratefully
> appreciated. Offlist may be most appropriate?
> Thanks, Carol
> I saw a man take his falcon into the grocery store today. I guess he
> couldn't leave it in the car.
> _______________________________________________________
> Say Bye to Slow Internet!
> http://www.home.com/xinbox/signup.html
> ______________________________________________________________________________
> Send postings to clayart@lsv.ceramics.org
> You may look at the archives for the list or change your subscription
> settings from http://www.ceramics.org/clayart/
> Moderator of the list is Mel Jacobson who may be reached at melpots@pclink.com.
Cheryl L Litman on fri 10 nov 00
I've been using the mid-cal 5 which is a toasty light brown in oxidation
at cone 6. Bailey, where I bought my Tuckers clay, was happy to sell me
a half bag of several of the Tucker's clays so I could give them a try.
Actually I think they gave me a half bag of each for the cost of
shipping. At that time I tried a grogless version, a white and the dark
mid-cal. All of them were great clays.
Cheryl Litman ---------- Somerset, NJ --------- email:
On Fri, 10 Nov 2000 13:15:26 -0500 Dan Hill writes:
> Hi Carol
> I have been using Tuckers Mid-White and 6-50 Porcelain for several
> years
> now. Mid-White fires to a light yellow-buff in oxidation and a nice
> toasty brown in reduction. The 6-50 is nice and white in oxidation
> and
> has a grey tinge in reduction. Both are good for throwing and take
> slips
> and glazes well. I have had a little trouble with s-cracks in the
> mid-white but with a little care when throwing and trimming that has
> been eliminated. For a very white porcelain at ^6 I use Pottery
> Supply
> House 910. Pottery supply House is also a Toronto based company.
> Best of luck,
> Dan Hill
> Eastern Ontario, Canada
> C TRIPP wrote:
> >
> > I am getting ready to make my once a year clay and supplies order.
> As I
> > live in Dubai, it is not practical to order up a bag of this and a
> bag of
> > that to sample; it's an all-ones-eggs-in-one-basket sort of order.
> I use
> > Mid Red and Mid Smooth Stone right now but I am thinking of
> changing as well
> > as branching out to porcelain. (Though I love the fired colour of
> the Mid
> > Red, I find it difficult to throw tall pots with it and I don't
> much care
> > for the grog though I can live with it. The Mid Smooth Stone
> throws tall and
> > thin nicely and it's easier on my fingers.) Does anyone have any
> thoughts
> > and advice about the other Tucker ^6 stoneware (non-manganese
> containing)
> > clays and any of the ^6 porcelains? All responses will be
> gratefully
> > appreciated. Offlist may be most appropriate?
> >
> > Thanks, Carol
> >
> > I saw a man take his falcon into the grocery store today. I guess
> he
> > couldn't leave it in the car.
> >
> > _______________________________________________________
> > Say Bye to Slow Internet!
> > http://www.home.com/xinbox/signup.html
> >
> >
> > Send postings to clayart@lsv.ceramics.org
> >
> > You may look at the archives for the list or change your
> subscription
> > settings from http://www.ceramics.org/clayart/
> >
> > Moderator of the list is Mel Jacobson who may be reached at
> melpots@pclink.com.
> Send postings to clayart@lsv.ceramics.org
> You may look at the archives for the list or change your
> subscription
> settings from http://www.ceramics.org/clayart/
> Moderator of the list is Mel Jacobson who may be reached at
> melpots@pclink.com.
Cheryl Litman ---------- Somerset, NJ --------- email:
Fabienne Micheline Cassman on sat 11 nov 00
Hello Carol,
I occasionally use both MCS and the 6-50 cone 6 porcelains that Tucker
makes in oxidation; I even mixed them by mistake :). I found the 6-50 a
bit more difficult to throw than the MCS. It was more butter like, the
feeling I get throwing high fire porcelains, some adapting had to take
place. I never had trouble with them be it cracks or else unless it was a
"piloting error."
Hope this helps,
Milky Way Ceramics http://www.milkywayceramics.com/
Yes, I have learned from my mistakes...
I can reproduce them exactly.
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