Wade Blocker on sun 19 nov 00
Cerro/Degussa has red, orange and yellow stains. They are very reliable.
Just use your favorite glaze and add a percentage of the colorants to it. I
would start with adding 5% of a stain.Mia in sunny Albuquerque.
Mike Gordon on sun 19 nov 00
Have you tried any of the cerdic stains at C/5-6? Mike
CorDuynker on sun 19 nov 00
Hello old members,
This is the first time I am joining, Red users guide ofcourse but still =
somewhat uncertain.
I am looking for a flame coloured red,orange,yellow glaze. (oxidating).
I am member of a workgroup and need it for a subject about glamour.
Who can help?
Cor Duijnker, Holland.
Fredrick Paget on sun 19 nov 00
Ah! sad, sad, we lost all those colours when we gave up poisoning
ourselves 20 or 30 years ago. Those bright reds and oranges were obtained
in lead glazes with colourant oxides like cadmium and uranium. You can get
a pretty yellow in hi-fire with praseodimium or Cerdec inclusion stains (
which do contain cadmium and must be used with care - at least they don't
contain lead.) The Cerdec reds are not all that bright but there is a
pretty good orange. Expensive but they will hold up at cone 10.
Fred Paget
>Hello old members,
>This is the first time I am joining, Read users guide of course but still
>somewhat uncertain.
>I am looking for a flame coloured red, orange, yellow glaze. (oxidizing).
>I am a member of a workgroup and need it for a subject about glamour.
>Who can help?
>Cor Duijnker, Holland.
>From Fred Paget, Marin County, California, USA
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