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terra cotta/ frostproof/new question

updated mon 27 nov 00


Stephani Stephenson on sun 26 nov 00

Amazing how CLAYART can answer questions before they are asked
Prior discussion about freeze/thaw problems had me wondering about 1)
all of the architectural terra cotta in northern climates which has
survived well over time. 2) brick, used on streets as well as walls in
northern climates .

Thank you Paul and Vince for answering my question before it was
asked. As usual, these answers serve now to raise even more questions
about the composition of terra cotta bodies used for different purposes
and the firing temps used.

One other question comes to mind. Often terra cotta building facades
from the late 1800s early 1900s were made to look like stone. Does
anyone have any knowledge about how this was done ? Were these glazed
surfaces? I would think the firing temp of the terra cotta would cone
04 at the highest and would likely be lower than that.
These surfaces do not appear glassy . were they vitrified glazed
surfaces or porous?
Anyone have a clue or know of a good resource?

Stephani Stephenson
Leucadia CA