Alisa and Claus Clausen on mon 27 nov 00
Source: C. Litman, USA
Tested on white, mid range stoneware, fired to 1220c, oxidation.
29 Silica
20 Custerspar
14 Talc
32 Gerstley Borate
15 RIO
Local spar for Custer
Local frit for Gerstely Borate
Resulted in tessha like brown, with black flecking and stripes in finger =
marks. =20
Smooth, stable glaze with a slight pooling of lighter brown in center of =
test bowl.
Dry where very thick over double dipped lip.
Personal: I was happily surprised by this glaze with all the =
substitutions in my rececipe. It has a tessha like look of brown and =
black and where thickest,
it has a slight movement of blue/green hues.
Best regards,
Alisa in Denmark
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