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gas/electric kilns

updated wed 29 nov 00


Doug Gray on tue 28 nov 00

Mary Lou,

I think you should be able to use the Axner super kiln in this manner.
I picked up a large electric kiln from Axner last year. It came already
coated with ITC and has performed admirably. I also spent the extra
bucks on the computerized controller and would recommend you do the same
if you can afford it. While it is handy to be able to program the kiln
to fire a particular schedule it also has alarms and holds that you can
set so that the computer controller would alert you when you've reached
body reduction and/or glaze reduction temperatures and allow you to soak
at that temp for as long as you'd like.

Now, having said all that, I haven't converted this electric to an
electric/gas combo because it is installed in a small interior room with
, as yet, inadequate ventilation. I've purchased a vent hood system and
will have it installed before to long and this might correct that
problem. But as things are I wouldn't try to reduce in that kiln.

In the mean time, I ordered a tiny cone 10 electric kiln and am
prepared to disassemble it and coat it with ITC just so it can be used
to test both oxidation or reduction glazes. Also, it doesn't require
any additional electrical changes. Plugs right in to a regular outlet.
It probably won't be in use until next semester, but I can hardly wait.
Just need to get that Bunsen burner from the chemistry lab. I'll try to
keep the list informed of the progress when I get into that particular


Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 06:38:57 EST
From: MLL7777@AOL.COM
Subject: gas/electric kiln

since first hearing about this kiln (a year ago?), I have wanted one. I

hoped one of the manufacturers would start offering it. I'm not able to

convert this myself - and I don't have an electric kiln anyway.

does anyone know how I can get one of these? Axner's makes an electric
itc - maybe they would put the holes in it. I can do the burner thing -
oh -
what to do.....

anyone out there building one for sale?
Mary Lou