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digital and slides/prices on web pages

updated sun 3 dec 00


Custom Services on sat 2 dec 00

Just to add my two cents about converting digital to slides. We do this
process with a special slide "printer" (it prints digital images to slide
film and then is developed normally) for making slide presentations. We
have taken the image from the top resolution of an Olympus 2500L which is
2.5 Megapixel and put it up on a very big screen at a special auditorium.

The distance we are doing is the maximum distance that a projector can
project. The size of the image is 25 feet wide and about 15 feet tall. The
image looks great. We compared identical images with 35 mm film (taken with
a professional Nikon camera) and the human eye could not detect the
difference throughout the auditorium. The 3.3 megapixel image would be even

If I was doing this from scratch, I would use a digital projector instead
of film slides. The price for the digital projectors is quite high at
present. I did not see what the use of the slide was for, so I am blind
about the parameters. The laser slide printer is very expensive also. There
may be service bureaus that can do this for you in large cities. Camera
magazines have classified ads with these type of services also.

The prices are falling like a rock in all fields and for all equipment.
Pretty exciting. I hope the digital backs are finally going to make it and
that they aren't too pricey. The characteristics of the camera will change
quite a lot from film however. The field of view is much different from
film. Light gathering may be also.

On publishing prices on your web page--the choices are:

do you want to establish customers based on price or some other criteria
do you need to change prices often (published prices are less flexible)
do you need to do e-commerce online or will you close the sales in person
disclosure of information, such as price, shipping and such is always
preferable unless there is a good reason not to do so
price lists are very boring-try to include the prices with the information
about the pot

Try to check out other web sites that you like and feel good about and see
what they do that you like.

Pat Chesney
The potting computer geek (:>)

Custom Services
Computer Consultants, Graphic Arts & Web Page Design
Specializing in Digital Photography and Product Shots
Part of the team at:

Phone: 254-829-0251
Fax numbers: (650) 373-3018